I need u you can make my heart go wild
I need u you can make my heart go wild

i need u you can make my heart go wild

God, how did he live so long without this? Spot felt his face surge with heat as the butterflies in his stomach that never seemed to go away, simply grew.

i need u you can make my heart go wild

"I am home," he mumbled out in a voice so quiet Spot would've never heard it had they not been inches apart. Race didn't get up, instead just wrapped his arms around Spot's torso even tighter and shook his head. "Racer, c'mon we gotta' get you's back home." "C'mon," he whispered, nudging the boy beside him who stirred gently in response. He loved Race with all his heart but starting their relationship wasn't worth everything that led up to it. He would hopelessly pine for another few years if it meant Race and all their friends were still safe. It didn't matter what they both got out of that situation if Spot could just make the night a few days ago never happen, he would. Good because the boy Spot had loved for the better part of his life now knew how he felt, but bad because it meant the events that led to it still happened. For good reason, he had honestly thought it was all a dream, but feeling the other boy's body pressed up against his own and hearing his soft breathing beside him proved that it wasn't. Spot was the first one up, glancing beside him to see Race still asleep peacefully. The following morning, Spot woke up to the sound of the old circulation bell they had both grown up hearing and found themselves still tangled up in each other on the sofa. Stats: Published: Completed: Words: 27,170 Chapters: 5/5 Comments: 18 Kudos: 115 Bookmarks: 6 Hits: 1,992 Newsies!: the Musical - Fierstein/Menken.

I need u you can make my heart go wild